Om namo narayanaya
Om namo narayanaya

om namo narayanaya

With a smile on his face, Lord Narayan now asked the sage to utter the divine name in the ears of a calf. Narad was perplexed to see what happened. Shockingly, the butterfly fell down dead at once after listening to the divine name. Sage Narad complied with the Lord’s command and whispered ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’ to be heard by the butterfly. Lord Narayana instructed Narad to approach a butterfly flapping its wings so merrily and chant the divine name near it. Instead of answering his question in theory, the Lord Preferred to give a practical class to his beloved devotee. Narad asked the Lord, what the benefit of chanting ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’ was. The sage replied “yes” and described his doubt to the Lord.

om namo narayanaya

When the sage visited Vaikunt, Lord Narayan looked at him and asked if something was troubling his mind. As he appeared confused and intrigued by his doubt, he looked serious. Once sage Narad developed a doubt in his mind. Round the clock, the immortal sage is seen chanting the name ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’ without a moment’s break for ages and ages. Sage Narad is a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. Here is an interesting story from mythology that highlights the greatness of the mantra ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’. Starting from material needs, this mantra can confer anything and everything that the devotees pray for including the highest attainment namely liberation. ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’ is a famous name of Lord Vishnu chanted by millions down the ages. Lord Narayana is the protector and the Supreme Godhead according to Hinduism. “In the age of Kali chanting the divine name of the Lord is the royal road to liberation”, say a number of scriptures in Hinduism. 1 / 7 Lord Narayana is the protector and the Supreme Godhead

Om namo narayanaya